Crystal Skillman
CRYSTAL SKILLMAN is an internationally award-winning playwright and comic book author. American Theatre has noted that “Crystal’s work is theatrical, fun, and full of heart. Many of her plays are known for a comic book style.” Those plays include both Geek!, her love letter to cosplayers, originally written for Qui Nguyen’s theater company, published by Concord Theatricals for YA, and put on at high schools around the world, as well as King Kirby, co-written with NYTimes Best-Selling author Fred Van Lente. A NYTimes Critics’ Choice drama (and popular fictional podcast on Broadway Podcast Network), King Kirby is about the life of brilliant comic book artist Jack Kirby dubbed a “pop culture Death of a Salesman”. Fred and Crystal’s graphic novel Eat Fighter just came out from Rocketship Entertainment. Their first joint writing comics together was Adventure Time for Ka-BOOM! (Princess BubbleGum Collection). Theatrical works include: Open, The Rocket Men, Rain and Zoe Save the World, and Mary and Max the musical adapted from the award-winning animated film featuring music/lyrics by Bobby Cronin. Parallel Lil, a comic book and theatrical series, debuts at Montverde Academy in Orlando this spring. She has written for Wondery Kids, Girl Tales, and Marvel comics.