About loving your pretty.
Grace Cuddihy
Grace Cuddihy is a writer, an activist, foster dog parent, baking enthusiast, and high school junior. She loves writing personal essays and writes frequently about her experience living with chronic illness. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching Survivor and phone banking. Grace’s favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower and her favorite book series is Percy Jackson: Heroes of Olympus. Her favorite authors are James Baldwin and Toni Morrison.
Part One of Thirteen of 13 Ways of Looking at Being Female-Bodied
I sat in Port with my legs curled up on the floor, leaning up against my bunk bed.
What does it mean to be in my body?
My mentor Caroline gave me the free-writing prompt, “What does it mean to be in my body?” I immediately began thinking of my own experiences being someone who is both female-bodied and chronically ill.
No Brainer: Podcast Trailer
This is our trailer for No Brainer, a podcast about the ins and outs of living with chronic neurological conditions.