Gorillaz is a virtual band consisting of four cartoon characters created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. Their albums have a backdrop of the character’s personal “lives,” which are often ridiculous, violent, and as cartoonish as the band itself. This “interview” is a tribute to Gorillaz’s nonsensical ingenuity.
Taking Our Place in History Print Anthology
maybe you know

My piece is about meeting my half brother who does not know that I exist. I created this piece after writing my college essay about the other half of my family that I know nothing about.
Salty, with a Hint of Bitterness
This piece is about the two sides of love that many people shall experience in their life. Because no matter where you are, or who you may be, you’ll be able to relate to the emotions displayed in the story.
You’re too young, you wouldn’t understand

This is for anyone who has ever said or heard the words “you’re too young.” It’s for the generation before me, after me and most of all—mine. It’s for all my friends, who are frustrated daily by the adults in our lives and for the adults in our lives who’ve forgotten what it’s like to be young.
Where Am I?
A poem that questions if where you’re from identifies who you are.
Not Anymore

Women in the past fought for the rights we have now in our present. And we’ll continue that fight for the future. I wrote this poem to reflect on the progress we’ve made.
Icarus Ascending

I’ve always been fascinated by the story of Icarus and how his fall has been portrayed, comparing him to myself. I wanted to showcase my point of view, along with a side of the story no one’s really considered.
This story is an excerpt from a larger coming-of-age piece involving themes of friendship, sisterhood, and romance.
Things We Hold Close

This piece reflects upon my relationship with my grandfather. His lasting presence in my life is a part of my personal history, one of the many things I hold close.
Cracks of Sunshine
This piece is about my struggle with depression and mental health.
A Letter
This is a goodbye letter to all the relationships that shaped me as a person.

As my time in high school comes to an end, I am reflecting upon my strength during times of change. I choose to continue with the resilience I have developed and carry it onward while embarking on my new journey.
relating to, derived from, or consisting of matter: having real importance or great consequences

In honor of Black History Month, I have written a piece that reflects on everyday reminders of slavery. I draw an unconventional parallel between my life and the experience of an enslaved woman.
For class, I had the task of writing a monologue. But as an avid horror fan, I went off the rails. That’s how sororicide happened. Writing horror serves as an outlet for me, to create a world where this fictional horror is the only scary thing in the world.
the brighter sun
This piece unintentionally secured itself a special place in my heart. It reflects my feelings, my aspirations, and my hope that this new country will allow me to embrace my new place in history.