Community Experiences
For Mentors & Mentees to Connect & Share
The Collaboratory offers a variety of interactive live community experiences throughout the year, designed to help our community explore, learn, connect, and grow. Tailored to the needs of our community, these events feature expert teaching artists, guest speakers, and facilitators dedicated to helping mentors and mentees enhance their writing and media skills, expand their personal and professional development, and foster collaborative creation.
Live Events
Core Live Events at Girls Write Now include our well-established offerings, such as Friday Night Salons, Community Conversations, College & Career Chats, Mentor Professional Development sessions, select Genre/Media Workshops, and now Journey Meetings. These diverse events are all designed to foster community engagement, learning, and growth, with opportunities for mentors, mentees, and members to build relationships, expand their creativity and knowledge, and advance their personal and professional goals.
Community Studios are small groups of Girls Write Now mentors and mentees who come together to focus on specific genres, media, topics, or areas of interest. In Community Studios, you have the opportunity to connect with fellow community members, workshop pieces in progress, receive feedback, discuss relevant topics, and engage in writing and creation time. Studios are facilitated by members of the Girls Write Now community, including mentors, mentees, pairs, and members who take on leadership roles to support the community, fostering a collaborative and empowering environment.
The IV (Intersectional Voices) suite are Girls Write Now’s leadership committees, each designed for the community to have a voice in the organization’s key initiatives and policies. They include IV Edit(orial), IV Teach, IV Philanthropy, IV DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging), and IV Tech. Our Intersectional Voices committees are dedicated to elevating the diverse perspectives of our community. Through these committees, we actively work to address and integrate a wide range of viewpoints, including making recommendations to leadership, ensuring a more inclusive and representative environment.
Expressive Arts Sessions are regular gatherings led by a mental health professional with training in narrative therapy, expressive writing therapy, and art therapy. These sessions use a combination of visual arts, expressive writing, and narrative therapy techniques. Mentors and mentees explore self-care practices, learn to understand and navigate their emotions, and gain tools for emotional resilience and creative expression.
Affinity Groups are communities united by shared interests or identities, such as race, gender, or religion. They are essential for fostering an inclusive environment where everyone is valued and empowered. At Girls Write Now, Affinity Groups offer a brave space for participants to discuss identity-related opportunities and challenges and turn those discussions into actionable steps for a more equitable experience in their creative and personal lives.
Special Events include awards ceremonies, launch parties, contests, and other special community gatherings. They provide platforms for leaders across sectors to share their wisdom and showcase work, always with a focus on our mentors and mentees. Special events are vibrant and spirited, encouraging creative expression, and strengthening connections within the Girls Write Now community.
Building Your Social Media Presence: A Responsible Guide for Beginners
This month, participants will have a short tutorial on how to create a LinkedIn account and learn how to create a post that can best express their accomplishments.
Visual Storytelling: Comic/Cartoons
From Solo Acts to Squad Goals: In the world of visual storytelling characters often team up to go on adventures or missions. Join our party to explore the group dynamics of characters on epic journeys through examples and prompts.
Intersectional Voices in Editorial Digital Committee Studio
Join us for an interactive, live editing session of mentee writing! Special guests from the Nonfiction Journey will share excerpts from their memoirs in progress and receive feedback from IVEdit - Digital Committee Members.
Speak Up: Developing Effective Communication Skills for Life
Recapping on session one and two learnings of “claim warrant impact” and “blowing up the balloon” while adding the art of rebuttal and contrasting arguments via weighing the validity of contrasting arguments.
Finance Meets Writing: Discover the Benefits of Girls Write Now at this Open House Exclusively for RBC Employees
Join our Open House where you’ll learn about our award-winning writing and mentoring programs for youth, as well as our mission and track record of success. We’ll walk you through the Collaboratory, our central home for connecting and creating as a community, so you can decide which Journey is right for YOU!
Journalism: Styles, Stories, and Techniques
This month, we'll be teaching studio participants tips and techniques of interviewing people for news stories, and then they'll have the chance to interview another studio participant.
Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging: Aligning Communications to Our Values
Please join us for the next Committee Meeting of Intersectional Voices in Diversity Equity & Inclusion (IV DEIB) where we'll be discussing Girls Write Now's values, and applying them to our primary platform for communications, Slack, to begin creating together new Slack Community Guidelines
Spoken Word: Voices Unleashed
This month, participants will listen to two spoken-word poems: both embody intense emotions that use poetry as a way of processing. They will spot similarities and differences, engage in a creative conversation, and ultimately craft their own.
Trans Inclusivity: Best Practices for Supporting Transgender Youth
Join us for this engaging and informative mentor professional development session dedicated to fostering empathy, promoting inclusivity, and equipping participants with practical skills to support transgender youth. Don't miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and contribute to a more inclusive future.
Joy, Resistance, and Change: Healing through Cultural Storytelling
In “Change”, the third and last part of the series, “Joy, Resistance, and Change”, we read work that explores cultural storytelling that differs from the dominant narrative about one’s culture, and then have practice writing our own.