Hello! Welcome to Podcasting Fundamentals, the writing component of your Multimedia Tour Journey. This course is designed to help develop your overall knowledge of podcast genres and to get you started with basic podcast creation. Specific topics range from writing for an audio format to best recording practices at home.
Learning Objectives
- Learn about different podcast structures.
- Gain basic insight into writing for an audio format.
- Receive an introduction to technical audio production.
- Gain an understanding of the technical needs to record at home.
- Practice basic audio editing in Audacity.
As you progress through each lesson, make sure to press complete before moving on to the next.
Complete at least 3 of the following 5 courses:
- Photopoetry: A Synthesis of Photography and Poetry
- Video Fundamentals
- Graphic Design Fundamentals
- Social Media Fundamentals
- Podcasting Fundamentals
You are in one of the following pair types. You pair type is listed on your GWN Portal profile.
- Type 1: Mentor/Mentee: Meet 2-3 times per month and, as a pair, attend one of the engagement events listed below at least once per month.
- Type 2 : Peer-to-Peer: Meet 2 times per month and, as a pair, attend one of the engagement events listed below at least once per month.
Engagement Types
Attend 1 suggested community event monthly.
- Submit one multimedia piece to be published on Girls Write Now’s website.
Engagement Dates
There are no required events for this course, but we encourage you to check the Events Page in your portal for information on upcoming live events.
Submit one multimedia piece to be published on Girls Write Now’s website.
Head to girlswritenow.org/stories/submit/ for instructions on submitting material through the portal.