orange chicken

Allow the symphonic undertones of the poem to draw you into the emotions of an intimate dinner party. How do we exist in spaces we feel driven from?
my heart races as I enter the bustling restaurant
late for a dinner I didn’t want to attend
my heart races as I enter the bustling restaurant
the noise is engrossing, but nothing drowns out my fear
half eaten entrees and restless glances greet me at the table
the symphonic drum of laughter and forks clashing halts to a stop
his voice bellows, sinking the cheerful voices of families dining nearby
breathing in panic, I feel myself shrink, desperate to disappear in my seat
seeking relief in the cold orange chicken
taillights illuminate hastened goodbyes
darkness envelops the long drive home
feeling empty, alone with my silent tears
This work answers the prompt “late for an event I didn’t want to attend.” Based on the community studio that challenged me with this prompt, I reflected on my experiences and created this piece. My objective with this poem was to capture the full emotions of that bittersweet night. I wanted readers to feel like they were there. Through careful revisions and feedback from my mentor, Ellen Alexander, this goal was accomplished.
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Abigail Marie Stewart
Abigail Stewart is an Alabama native pursuing her bachelor's degree at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She enjoys writing, cooking, and spending time with friends and family. Abigail invites readers to recognize the beauty of her state and those who call it home.