Remembering Joy
These pieces share an insight into the challenge of finding joy in the world after coming out of the strangeness of mental illness.
Mia Lindenburg is a writer based in New York, with a background in slam poetry. She works in both poetry and prose, and is currently working on a novel. Outside of writing, she is a current graduate student at NYU, where she studies literature and library science.
These poems are primarily from a larger collection that centers on a narrative of healing from mental illness. Some poems are directly related to this topic, while others simply shine a light on the daily process of being a strange person in a stranger world.
These pieces share an insight into the challenge of finding joy in the world after coming out of the strangeness of mental illness.
This is a poem about a neighborhood changing for the better and the worse.
Poetry360 mentee Mia Lindenburg tells her story of leaving poetry and returning to it upon realizing slam poetry can also capture all the joy and wonder of the world.