If You Can Write, You Can Do Anything
When You Give, We Can Do Everything
Thank you. We couldn’t do it without you.

Catalyze Our Growth Plan To:
Writing Training
Girls Write Now takes a 360 degree approach to writing, offering courses across genres, media, disciplines, and industries, including college and career readiness. Writing courses can be taken as part of a Journey or ad hoc.They fit the goals, passions, skill levels, and schedules of our diverse community, with both live and asychronous offerings.

Girls Write Now mentors and mentees across the U.S. are all backgrounds, ages, genders, and skill levels. Our mentor and mentee writers come from and enter into all fields, disciplines, and professions. Our motto: If you can write, you can do anything.

Community Experiences
Mentors and mentees in Journeys access community experiences featuring expert teaching artists, guest speakers, and facilitators dedicated to enhancing writing and media skills, expanding personal and professional development, and fostering collaborative creation.

From Our Mentees

From Our Mentors

From Our Champions