Why is advocating against climate change a difficult journey, especially for youths?
Sophia One
Sophia One is a NYC high school student from the Bronx High School of Science who is also a Girls Write Now mentee and a member of GWN's Lead Incubator. She is involved in many extracurriculars related to environmentalism, such as conducting social science research on climate policies, promoting climate action in government, and leading the Green Team at her school. Her other activities include volunteering at her local Queens Public Library, running an online vintage business, and participating in the National Honor Society. Sophia also has a strong interest in media studies and journalism, of which she hopes to continue in college. Besides her academic life, Sophia enjoys traveling the world, building legos, and watching Formula One races (a huge Ferrari fan!).
Upcoming Events
January 21 – 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Building Your Social Media Presence: A Responsible Guide for Beginners
This month, participants will have a short tutorial on how to create a LinkedIn account and learn how to create a post that can best express their accomplishments.
Words of Affirmation
This is the backstory of why I created my project, One Letter 4 All, with the Lead360 learning journey.