There are dreams behind your brown eyes
You are not a shadow
You are light
You are one
Yet you are no longer alone
You are not easily classified
Simply, you are different
Spread your wings and fly…-Najaya, GWN Class of 2012
After a year of writing, revision, workshops, readings, and mentoring, Nayaja and her fellow GWN grads presented their original work at June CHAPTERS, spread their wings, and took flight. Watch Najaya’s inspiring performance of “Butterfly Boy” along with the other talented Girls Write Now readers, one of our special Remix presentations (Monica) and special guest, Open Road author Andi Buchanan, who all brought a packed house to their feet at our culminating event of the reading series.
Check out photos on GWN’s Facebook page and watch the Mentee Graduation Ceremony for the GWN Class of 2012.