Overlooked is a poem that takes the reader in an unexpected direction.
Cold floor beneath me, noises abound. Heart beats rapidly, nails click click click. I look out of the bars of my cage to see my fellow inmates pacing. It’s visiting day, and people pass me by without a second glance. I’m too old for them, too energetic, too broken. The scars people have left on me laid bare for all to see. As a woman and her child stop in front of me, my heart leaps. When she takes the child’s hand and leads them away, I rest my head on my paws and wait for the future that may never come.
I wrote this poem through the perspective of a dog living in a shelter environment. I drew on the experiences and interaction I have had with shelter dogs over the past 4.5 years of volunteering with them, as well as some of the knowledge I have learned along the way about dog behavior.
While many shelters go to great lengths to make sure all of the animals in their care are as happy and healthy as possible, there are some things that only an adoptive home can provide. Writing about dogs in shelters is one way that I try to bring attention to nation-wide issues like overpopulation in rescues and advocate for the adoption of shelter animals.
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Audrey Bergen
Audrey is an aspiring writer and an English major with a minor in Creative writing in her senior year of college. She has been published in the Kings River Review and is currently serving on the publication's editorial board. She tends to write poetry and short stories with fantasy and/or horror elements. Some authors who have inspired her are Margaret Atwood, Ellen Hopkins, and Suzanne Collins.