If you can write, you can do anything.
When you give, we can do everything.

For those feeling scared or uncertain right now, leaning on community is more important than ever. Through Girls Write Now’s offerings of writing, mentorship, and communal connection, we are there to support our multi-generational writers from from all walks of life and across over 30 states of the nation. We will continue to raise our voices for and with each other, as we bring you original work from the storytellers and leaders the world needs to hear. Please join us.
To give at the $1,000 level or above,
become a Girls Write Now Ambassador. Learn more.

Your Donation Supports…
Each Journey is a expertly curated package of mentorship, community experiences, and writing-based courses. Here’s what participants have to say about their Journeys:

“Through Girls Write Now, I was able to meet and connect with my mentor, Sam… She’s guided me through writing, the college admissions process, life, and everything else that I couldn’t have imagined this year without her. Through the program’s Poetry Journey, I’ve also been able to connect with so many writers my age and meet with so many published professionals…I’m truly grateful for the program and for everything it has done! Thank you so, so much!”
– Premrudee, Mentee
“Joining my Career Journey turned into another moment for me to grow. I learned how to collaborate and looked for ways to fully step into a more mature, self-assured person…I swear I feel like crying just trying to express my gratitude.”
– Dolores Haze, Editorial Intern and Class of 2023 Alum

Journeys in the Girls Write Now Collaboratory allow participants to connect one-to-one across generations and establish a supportive relationship that lasts a lifetime.
“My most rewarding experience was meeting my mentor Ellen. She’s been super encouraging and helpful during a year that’s been filled with a lot of change and uncertainty.”
– Karina Itzel, Mentee Alum

“Girls Write Now inspired me to think of myself as more than someone who writes, but as a writer. My years as a mentee gave me the foundation to be the author I’m proud to be today “
– Joy L. Smith, Author and Mentee Alum
Community Experiences
Mentors and mentees in Journeys access community experiences featuring expert teaching artists, guest speakers, and facilitators dedicated to enhancing writing and media skills, expanding personal and professional development, and fostering collaborative creation.

Writing Courses

As a mentor or mentee enrolled in a Journey, you have access to a wide range of educational experiences that all use a 360 degree approach.
Thank you for standing with us—
the next generation of changemakers.

“…I found myself bottling up emotions when I desperately needed to release them. When I joined Girls Write Now, talented artists showed me how to translate my emotionality into media and writing. My work became clear, I could articulate myself better, and my self-confidence improved.”
Girls Write Now Mentee, Class of 2015; Recent Brown University Graduate, MA in Public Policy and Affairs
“As an immigrant myself, inspiring underserved young women and gender non-conforming youth to pursue careers at Dotdash Meredith is a dream come true! I know we can have a big impact on the future of Girls Write Now going forward as well as the lives of current mentees and graduates.”
Director of Brand Partnerships at Linqia & Girls Write Now Board Alum

“It took me a long time to come back to my love of writing. And that’s why the work of Girls Write Now is so important. It’s exactly what I needed when I was a teenager.”
Author of The Body Liberation Project & Girls Write Now 2022 Honoree
Catalyze Our Growth Plan To:
Geographically, virtually and in-person—to reach mentees across over states.
To serve the full life-cycle of the writer, from 13 to 24 and beyond.
Voices, incubate new publications, and place diverse talent in jobs and internships.
Through wellness, social justice, and civic education programs.
Where Do Girls Write Now Mentees See Themselves In 25 Years?

Together, our community channels the power of our voices and stories to shape culture, impact industries, and inspire all. Join us.

When you make a donation, you will automatically be added to our email mailing list. You can opt out at any time. For questions and information, please contact Director of Development, Ellen Rae Huang, at [email protected] or 609.205.6215