If You Can Write, You Can Do Anything
When You Give, We Can Do Everything

“I did Girls Write Now throughout high school. I was very excited to be a mentor and be able to give that experience to someone else.”
– Antonia Bruno, Mentee Alum & Current Mentor
Assistant Deputy Public Defender, NJ
“I genuinely see Antonia as more than a mentor. I see her as a friend.”
– Nishat Raihana, Mentee 2021-Present

“I wouldn’t have shared my work with anybody if it wasn’t for Girls Write Now.”
– Joy L. Smith, Mentee Alum 2008-2011
Author of Turning
“Writing is a really important tool to convey my thoughts and convictions.”
– Tuhfa Begum, Mentee Alum 2011-2014
Law Graduate, NYC Legal Services

“We’re teaching [mentees] to write, but we’re also teaching them to imagine new futures for themselves.”
– Vahni Kurra,
Girls Write Now Sr. Community & Marketing Coordinator
“My greatest hope for Girls Write Now is that we continue growing nationally and every woman or gender expansive individual really understands that they have a seat at the table and that they have important things to say.”
– Emily Mendelson,
Girls Write Now Community Manager

Watch the 30-second PSA featuring Girls Write Now pair, mentor Kiki Tom and mentee Isabella Japal, here.
Girls Write Now is grateful to our partners at Reel Works, NBCUniversal, and the Creative Impact Lab for their generous support.

Girls Write Now is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID number is 54-2115054. When you make a donation, you will automatically be added to our email mailing list. You can opt out at any time. If you have any questions about supporting Girls Write Now, or wish to update your recurring donation, please contact Director of Development Ellen Rae Huang at 609.205.6215 or [email protected].