Deirdre Simmons
(She/Her) Guest/Teaching Artist
Deirdre has a BA in Organizational Communication with minors in Management and Supervision from Purdue University and a Master of Science in Human Resource Management from the UCONN School of Business. She has a varied background including volunteering in youth ministry, appearing in commercials, speaking on leadership and diversity panels and as a guest speaker for Disrupt HR delivering her session “HR Lessons from Cardi B”. In the past she has worked at Pepsi-Cola, Ford Motor Company, Department of Homeland Security and Bloomingdale’s. In addition to teaching, she is a GoCoach Coach, and volunteer leader of Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut (CONECT)—a social justice organization. Deidre is a published author of a Public Speaking textbook and is included in the NASA Astrophysics database of IDEA practitioners.