The fantasy land of Catrossau, Oseka in 434 BD tells the story of travelers struggling to survive making their living by killing demons. This tells the story of an unlikely group of people working together.
Elleigh W. Todd
Elleigh is a young writer passionate about a variety of things including creative writing, music, painting and volleyball! She has been creative writing outside of school for years and loves to come up with as many ideas as she can (though she doesn’t always finish them). Elleigh has been playing volleyball for 4 years and plays for her varsity high school team and loves to paint in her free time! Music is a very important part of her life as she can never walk down the street without it! She also has 4 cats and a dog.
Favorite Genres/Mediums
Artist‘s Statement
This year in Girls Write Now, I strived to expand my skills as a creative writer because creative writing is my favorite genre to write and my strongest suit.