Emily Green
Wellness Advisor
Emily Green, Psy.D. is a Clinical Psychologist practicing in Washington, DC. She graduated from Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology (Yeshiva University) with her doctoral degree in 2017 and has been working in a range of community-based and specialized settings since that time. Dr. Green is currently working at the Metropolitan Police Employee Assistance Program, a counseling center that serves members of the local DC police and their families. Dr. Green enjoys the richness and complexity of working with a diverse group of people who deal with a range of clinical and psychosocial issues and approaches the work with both a trauma- informed and positive psychology perspective. Dr. Green has previously written a blog on her own psychological insights for Psychology Today. She enjoys reading, toggling back and forth between novels and nonfiction. Despite being a self-proclaimed dog person, she is head over heels for her spunky cat Nellie who she found in her backyard in Brooklyn 6 years ago.