Amazon Literary Partnership Supports the Production of Girls Write Now’s Annual Anthology
Girls Write Now
For 25 years, Girls Write Now has been breaking down barriers of gender, race, age and poverty to mentor the next generation of writers and leaders who are impacting businesses, shaping culture and creating change. Thank you for joining our movement.
Upcoming Events
January 25 – 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Plays to Comic Books & Comic Books to Plays! Let’s Get Episodic
Many playwrights use their skills in dramatic storytelling, breaking story, world-building, and strong dialogue to foster new work not just in theater but in television, graphic novels, and musicals. We'll explore these skills in several fun short writing exercises, and take one of them to explore in a new medium for you.
January 31 – 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm ET
The Space Between Men: An Evening of Poetry with Mia S. Willis
In their full-length poetry debut, Mia S. Willis explores how the intersecting cultures of Blackness and queerness relate to each other. Join them as they read a selection of poems from "the space between men" and share writing prompts based on the African American poetry forms that appear in the collection.
Mentee Alum Shea Formanes’ Indie Sci-Fi Drama Plants Its Seeds
A Mentee Alum Seeks Funding For Her First Feature Film
NBCUniversal Makes Creative Connections with Girls Write Now Mentees
A fantastic opportunity for mentees to make connections and take a peek behind the curtain at Comcast NBCUniversal
We Grieve, and Then We Mobilize
“My heart breaks for any young person out there who’s wondering what their future holds—and what kinds of chances will…
Mentee Ayah Al-Masyabi Named as a Finalist in the NPR Student Podcast Challenge
Out of over 3,300 entries, Ayah Al-Masyabi’s podcast about soccer in America was chosen as one of 13 high school finalists in the NPR contest.
In conversation with Girls Write Now’s Maya Nussbaum and Today’s Jenna Bush Hager
Maya Nussbaum joins Jenna Bush Hager in latest The More You Know Campaign to spread literacy awareness through PSAs, social content, and inspiring conversation