Jada McGhee is a friendly bookworm; you can often catch her reading a good book. When she’s not reading, she is looking to join a great and intense game of Ultimate frisbee with friends. As she explores which college she would like to attend in the coming year, her career aspirations range from a social worker to a teacher to a best-selling author! Since graduating from high school in 2018 where she studied American Sign Language for all four years, she hopes to return to her love of the language through practice.
My writing inspirations are Haikuis, Young Adult literature, and Rupi Kaur. These writers inspire me to write simplified yet complex and powerful statements. I have found my love of writing again after taking some time away from it for over a year. Most of my writing pieces are wishes and hopes for me to experience something glorious in life that some may consider simple, such as romantic love or wanting to ride a bike in New York’s central park.
My goal for the summer of 2022 was to ride a bike in Manhattan’s Midtown/Lower East Side. While writing other pieces, I was inspired to replenish a childhood dream I did not continue.