People leave a mark in our lives that will forever stay with us; this essay is a love letter to everyone that has influenced me and put me on the path I am now traveling.
Maria Osorio
Maria Osorio is a 17-year-old Colombian living in Queens, NY. 2020 is the first year she will publicly share her writing work. Being at Girls Write Now has given her the confidence to work on her own writing and finish projects from poems to memoirs. Her main interests are social and environmental justice. She also likes to read in her free time and to be involved in different activities outside of school that will help her get closer to college.
Truth Riders, a podcast about arts and justice
This is the Truth Riders Podcast. We are Maria Osorio and Barbara Victoria, a mentee and mentor from South America that met through Girls Write Now. Truth Riders is about arts & social justice.
Chatty Seagulls
Chatty seagulls is a poem about making every second of your life worthy.
Moonlight Portrait
“Now they were only one soul,
they were complete.”