Naomi Eyre
Naomi Eyre is pursuing a BA in Film with a concentration in Screenwriting at Brooklyn College. She’s a big fan of Tim Burton’s filmography. If you were to stop Naomi in the middle of the street, she would have her Edward Scissorhands and Coraline sticker collections on hand. Outside of writing scripts, she enjoys writing poetry. In her free time, she immerses herself in the creative world of portrait photography. Currently, she works at the nonprofit organization Young Invincibles. In the future, she hopes to leverage her writing to create opportunities for younger underrepresented writers.
Artist‘s Statement
It is important to understand that there is no objectiveness of authenticity in writing. To express authenticity– there will always be a hint of ambiguity – even in the midst of universalism. For one experience appears to be the copy of the next, until we as writers and readers own it, provided the feelings are distinctive and real to our own. Hence, that is when creations arise.