Sometimes, we as people become so consumed in the mundane tasks of life that we forget to notice the small beautiful things that constantly surround us.
Paola Dominguez
(she/her) Mentee
Paola Dominguez is a junior from New York City. She loves to spend her time practicing the electric guitar whenever she can. She tries to imitate the sounds of the favorite bands she loves to sit and listen to. She hopes to explore her writing technique and learn with others who share the same passion this year at Girls Write Now.
Favorite Authors & Artists
Jane Austen, Charlotte Brönte, Mary Shelley
Artist‘s Statement
“We read and write poetry because we are all members of the human race”- dead poets society. Poetry is my outlet, the way I connect to the world and to others. It’s how I express passions, empathy, hurt, anything. We read poetry because we all relate to the human experience, I write poetry to help myself make peace with the human experience.