Sophia Takrouri is an aspiring author from Mount Vernon, Ohio. She considers creative expression to be her biggest passion and is always striving to improve her craft and build her community. She is currently an Outreach and Engagement Coordinator for BreakBread Literacy Project after completing a literary internship. She is also an alumna of the Kenyon Review Young Writers Residential Workshop 2022. She does NaNoWriMo every year, even if she doesn't always win, and hopes to pursue her creative dreams in college. When she is not writing stories, she is writing to her pen pals or improving her Arabic.
Favorite Authors & Artists
Jamie Lyn Smith, Ashley Herring Blake, Angie Thomas
Artist‘s Statement
My work focuses on complicated relationships and characters and the difficult emotions that commonly arise from navigating them. It’s meant to show my readers that all types of relationships have bad seasons but most are worth the effort of trying to fix them… and sometimes it’s best to let them go. I often take inspiration from my own experiences and by observing the way people interact with one another. Writing with feeling and vulnerability has helped me to bring my characters to life.
A young woman is staying at her brother’s house for the first time in years to recover from an injury. She experiences conflicting emotions over their dynamic and finds herself secretly yearning for the past.