This blog post was written by Wandy Felicita Ortiz, Development Intern

When I arrive at the Girls Write Now headquarters as the Development Intern, I come to a welcoming, quiet, open office space filled with other women who are diligently tapping away at computers. As a college student living in constant fear of forever being stuck at a “job you hate,” it’s a very refreshing reality to walk into a cheerful and motivating “girl power” atmosphere. Working with an all-female staff, from our executive director down to our interns, is positively unique from anything else I’ve done.
For someone used to a female-centric workspace, like our Communications Intern Tylah, “the atmosphere is genuinely warm and inviting. I find all female environments to be particularly comforting and empowering so I love that I am able to be a part of this program. I went to an all-girls school when I was young and working here brings me back to that time. It’s somewhat nostalgic for me as well.”
Between the five of us, the Programs, Communications, and Development interns work on various tasks and event coordination jobs such as compiling resources in regards to Girls Write Now’s funders, helping with our College Bound Program, aiding mentor/mentee enrollment by reviewing applications, and helping to lead group interviews. We work in various databases such as SalesForce, WordPress, Google Docs, and Excel simultaneously with staff and one another, enabling the organization as a whole to function efficiently and effectively.
Through collaborative tasks, check-ins (and office jokes!), we learn the ropes of what our respective roles entail within the office space and during workshop/event hours. For us as interns, a good relationship with the staff members who mentors us is important and makes our jobs more constructive and enjoyable. They work closely with us, are patient, and offer good advice. The staff understands that we’re here as interns because we don’t know how to do everything and we don’t have all the answers. That’s also why our mentees come to Girls Write Now — our team efforts behind the scenes go well beyond the people we serve to impact all of us who work here as well.
Some of us, notably our Programs Intern, Tiffani, come to the internship program as former mentees. Others of us like her Programs counterparts, Maddie and Isabela, are new to Girls Write Now and particularly interested in learning about empowerment through Girls Write Now. This organization is all about engaging young women and advocating for stronger female voices in our society. Girls Write Now actively looks for charismatic, caring people who are invested in our mission to help underserved young women to find their voices through the power of writing and community. This belief is what brings staff, supports, mentors, and mentees together to produce programs, events, and publications like our brand new anthology that are the ultimate display of womanly intellect and creativity.
Girls Write Now is a collaborative place in every sense of the word. Our work crosses over departments in the office, which you think might be hectic, but really is pivotal in allowing our mentors and mentees to learn from each other and to use the pool of resources they receive in the various activities we have throughout the school year. It’s easy to cross paths via projects when every woman in the office is working towards the same goal: empowering young girls who are on their way to becoming strong women. Girls Write Now is definitely a good place to be!