This season—and all year round—we mark important holidays by giving to Girls. Write. Now.
December 31, 2024 is National Make Up Your Mind Day—and it’s also the last day to give to Girls Write Now to make your gift 100% tax-deductible for 2024! If you’ve been waiting for the right moment, it’s now. Make up your mind and support the next generation of storytellers, leaders, and changemakers we all need.
December 20, 2024 is National Underdog Day—a day to celebrate those who rise despite the odds stacked against them. At Girls Write Now, we know that underdogs are more than just a feel-good story. They are the girls and gender-expansive young people who fight every day to overcome barriers of race, gender, and poverty, determined to make their voices heard in a world that often overlooks them.
November 15, 2024 is National Philanthropy Day—a day to give to the causes most important to you. From Bodily Autonomy to Immigration to Trans Rights & Wellbeing, Girls Write Now mentors writers and leaders in all of these spaces, and beyond. Our model nurtures the whole writer—intellectually, socially, and emotionally—preparing them to create change and bridge worlds across disciplines and industries. The mission of Girls Write Now has never been more urgent. To meet the growing demand, we count on your support today.
November 1, 2024 is National Author’s Day. We honor voices that shape the world—our intergenerational community of mentors and mentees—who are authoring their own lives and the next chapter of our collective future. Through our unique formula of writing, mentoring, and community, Girls Write Now trains and nurtures authors—poets, marketers, scientists, social justice activists, and leaders of all kinds—who are breaking barriers and claiming their place in history.
This year, we released Here & Now: Girls Write Now 2024 Anthology and Girls Write Now On The Art of the Craft: A Guide to Collaborative Storytelling. These books are just a few jewels in our storytelling crown, as our media brand includes digital stories, podcasts, short films, blogs, zines, and more!
Girls Write Now is an incubator of incredible original work, a testing ground to learn about media production first-hand, and a publishing platform to elevate unheard stories for the world to hear. Your gift fuels our mission. Please give generously today.
October 17, 2024 is National Black Poetry Day. In the Girls Write Now Collaboratory—our home for connecting and creating—mentors and mentees embark on “Journeys”, which are tailored experiences combining writing, mentoring, and community that we approach through all genres, media, topics, and disciplines.
To celebrate National Black Poetry Day, we proudly feature Black poets, and our Poetry Journey that supports them, anchored by the writing course Revolutionary Poetics: Black Poetry in the American Canon. In a world where Black voices are too often marginalized and silenced, our Poetry Journeys provide a space for young people to tap into their truths, create boldly, and find healing in the power of their words.
Please join us in honoring the Black poets we serve across the nation by generously donating today. Your gift will not only change the trajectory of a young writer’s Journey—but uplift an entire generation we all must hear.
October 11, 2024 is International Day of the Girl. On this day, The United Nations urges swift action and persistent hope. Girls Write Now heeds the call. We harness the boundless energy and creative spirit of girls and gender expansive youth to transform families, communities, and the world. When our mentees are empowered to raise their voices and enact their ideas, the impact is immediate and far reaching. But girls need allies.
Join us to help realize their vision for the future. Girls Write Now is a proven solution with a 25 year track record, and there’s never been a better day to invest.