No matter the stress, anger, or sadness, Hamlet was right by identifying sleep as an escape. It can be something beautiful or terrifying. We are all like children. We dream and make up our own beautiful worlds and our own monsters. Imagination and dreaming is something to keep close to you!
Taking Our Place in History Multimedia Showcase
Iron Bars
This song is a tribute to Gorillaz’s nonsensical ingenuity.
Culture Loss Prevention
My podcast is about many things, hence the name. I talk about many topics, from problems with social media to the lack of success of arobeats. I hope you enjoy it—you just never know what to expect with Gifty.
Our Words, Our Voice
You read and write everyday, whether it involves your favorite song lyrics, a grocery list, crafting a text to your best friend, or projects for school or work. In fact, we use our literacy so much that we often take it for granted. What about the centuries of people who were denied this powerful tool?
Rainbow Shoelaces

“Rainbow Shoelaces” is a poem about the complexity of friendship, presented in digital form. It discusses a girl who used to be my best friend, and how I felt—and still feel— jealous of her. However, beneath that, a feeling of longing and regret still exists because she was someone I was once close to. The specific details I used to describe her are fictitious, as I wanted her to seem familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
The Feeling
This is a stop motion video I created and even without the content, it shows that anyone can create a piece like this even if they are not particularly tech-savvy. It shows my hard work in 30 seconds, and even though it may not seem like a long period to most, that mere 30 seconds took a lot of time to create.
mental illness teenage talk
My project about teenage depression is meant to let other teens know they are not alone. I want to bring this subject out in the open so other teens can be aware that this is a serious topic to deal with, but they can talk about it. This is my first time doing a project like this, and I want to continue my podcast in an effort to reach out to other teens to begin the conversation in a safe space.
Tiny Worlds
Oftentimes, it’s easy to lose ourselves in the bustle of society. Easy to fall into the online world and never resurface. In this collection of poems, the beauty of nature is explored in a personal way, with the hope that you will find a new reason to stop and appreciate the world around us. These poems reflect on what can be seen, and describe the complexity of nature that I hope you find to ring true. These poems are dedicated to the sky, the flowers, the trees, and the ocean, who need our protection now more than ever.
Anatomy 125
This erasure poem is a visual representation of my own writing process. You can see the crossing out of words as well as the words I had to write back in. Sharing any kind of writing is an innately intimate experience, but this specifically feels personal for the way that it displays my mistakes as well as the final project.
Different Views
People who struggle with making friends or getting good grades will connect with this piece. Beware, the beautiful sunsets and powerful words might make some cry.
Beyond the Scenes

The Korean pop group BTS is known for having a devoted fanbase, but very few people are interested in the important messages found in their versatile and lyrically profound music. In my podcast, we will listen to BTS’s refreshing, eclectic, and well-produced bops one at a time and explore the layers of meaning behind the lyrics.
Project Silmo: Reconstructing a Nation

I’ve been analyzing and thinking about The Silmarillion for years now. After multiple rereads, hours upon hours of research, drafting, and redrafting, here are my final thoughts on Tolkien’s legendarium.
Dear NYC: A High-Schooler’s Take On Life

Race, as a visual marker, affects our daily lives —whether it be through making snap judgments or the Model Minority stereotype. Discussions of race tend to be neglected in academic institutions themselves: the questions of both how to include rather than exclude and how to better diversify communities continually rise.
Dedicated to my Natural Hair

I wrote a letter to my natural hair because I recognized that I was dealing with some deeply engrained self-hate issues regarding it.
In the newest iteration of “Sunrise,” I explore an acoustic arrangement featuring myself on keyboard and vocals.