If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, or recommending Girls Write Now to someone you know, we strongly encourage you to attend! All prospective mentors, mentees, parents and guardians, educators, community based organizations, and companies are welcome to join.
At the Open House, you will learn about Girls Write Now as an organization and the programming we offer, including the differences and benefits of our two main programs, Writing 360 and Writing Works. You will get a peek into our community experience by hearing from a mentor/mentee pair and learning about the importance of mentorship. The Open House will conclude with a Q&A session, so feel free to come prepared with questions!
[maxbutton id=”54″ url=”https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwscO2rpzMoGNMVOHY4FNAhDVyMVD-3VFET” text=”Register for April 29 Open House” window=”new” ]