Tuesday, Feb. 13
4:30-6PM ET
virtual event; open to all mentors and mentee alum; required for Fiction 360 participants aged 19+ and Nonfiction 360 participants.
Now that you have written a great manuscript, or have started one, and you’ve taken the time to write a solid query letter, it’s time to pitch your work to a literary agent who can sell your book to a publisher and negotiate your contract. At this workshop, you will receive expert feedback from some of the top literary agents in publishing. Ask all your burning publishing questions and learn what literary agents are looking for!
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the pros! Participating literary agencies include HG Literary, Jane Rotrosen, Lowenstein Associates, Sterling Lord Literistic, Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc., Thompson Literary, Triangle House Literary, Writers House, and more!
Event Prerequisites: Participants should complete the Query Letter Section Asynchronous lesson, accessible through the portal, and have a drafted query letter.
This event is open to:
all mentors, Fiction 360 mentees and program alum
February 13, 2024
4:30 pm
6:00 pm