Tune in on May 19 at 6PM EST for this special digital episode of Girls Write Now Live, including a celebration of the launch of our newest publication, Taking Our Place in History: The 2020 Girls Write Now Anthology! You can purchase your copy now from McNally Jackson.
A selection of our talented mentees (and now published writers!) will be sharing their multi-genre, multimedia work that pays homage to our personal and collective histories for one remarkably inspiring evening. Members of our 2020 Anthology Committee will also join us to speak about the editorial process behind the book.
Girls Write Now is thrilled to be in partnership with Dutton who produced this year’s anthology. A special thanks to the team at Dutton for producing the book—Christine Ball, Maya Ziv, Marya Pasciuto, and Hannah Feeney. And to Feminist Press and Jamia Wilson for producing the e-book, as well as Amazon Literary Partners for their long-standing support.
[lbdesign_button link=”https://www.girlswritenow.org/may19reserve” new_tab=”true” type=”warning” size=”large” style=”rounded” custom_class=””]Register for the May 19th Girls Write Now Live[/lbdesign_button]