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Mentor Professional Development

Turning the Lens on Microaggressions: Experiences and Interventions

Friday, Jan. 19
6-7:15PM ET

virtual event; open to Girls Write Now mentor, staff, and peer-to-peer mentees. Required for mentors

You’ve most likely heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Sayings like this reinforce the belief that microaggressions are harmless. Though they may seem subtle, small, or less noticeable, and are often unintentional, microaggressions are damaging verbal or non-verbal behaviors based on factors such as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or other aspects of identity that convey negative or discriminatory messages towards marginalized groups.

As mentors, understanding and addressing microaggressions is crucial for creating inclusive and supportive environments. Led by facilitator Olivia Jayakar, this professional development session will engage mentors in a reflective process of intervening when either witnessing microaggressions or perpetuating them.

Join us for an illuminating session designed to empower both mentors and mentees to navigate conversations and relationships in new ways.

Meet the Teaching Artist

Olivia “Ollie” Jayakar

Olivia “Ollie” Jayakar

Olivia “Ollie” Jayakar (they/them) is an experienced diversity equity and inclusion dialogue and workshop facilitator. They transform minds and behaviors to create a just world where queer and trans people of color can thrive. Their work is grounded in principles of popular education, intergroup dialogue, and identity-affirming practices. For over 3 years, they have created workshops, designed curriculum, and facilitated for schools, colleges, and other organizations on topics of race, gender, socioeconomic status, and consent and sexual ethics. Olivia’s formal training includes their current study at the University of Michigan, a Master of Higher Education, focusing on Diversity and Social Justice. They hold a Bachelor’s degree in Women and Gender Studies and a double-minor in Community Action and Social Change (CASC) and Intergroup Relations Education.

This event is open to:

all mentors, GWN staff and peer-to-peer mentees

January 19, 2024 6:00 pm 7:15 pm EST

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