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- 2023-2024: Lead 360
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- Fiction 360
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Flash Fiction Forum
Post your story and comment your thoughts about other posts. What creative choices did you notice were employed? Where and how did you notice the use of taboo in either your story or a peer's. In what ways did you employ the strategies you learned in this lesson?
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Horror Fiction Forum
Please share the first draft of your Horror Fiction story in this forum.
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- Lead 360 (in progress)
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Magical Realism Forum
In an effort to elicit forum engagement between participants, we’d like for you to comment on your insight on magical realism and respond to your peers. When you think about magical realism, what comes to your head? List everything you can think of. Bonus writing exercise: Imagine that someone hires your witch to respond to an advice column. Write the first response they give to one of the readers of the magazine after they ask a question of your choice (Some examples: How can I get along better with my mom?). Remember to use their voice and what makes them unique. Take elements from the ordinary and make them extraordinary.
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- Main Road 360 Forum
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- Main Road 360 Forum
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- Mentor Collaboratory Toolkit
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- Playwriting Forum
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- Playwriting Forum
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Poetry 360
Introduce yourself to your fellow Poetry 360 mentees by sharing your favorite poem (include the text or a video link). Additionally, please share what you love about this particular poem and why you've decided to share this piece with the community.
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- 1 year, 1 month ago
Query Letter and Book Proposals Forum
Reflect on what it was like writing a query letter. Some questions to get you started:
- Which of the components was the easiest to write?
- Which component was the most important in your opinion?
- What was your hook sentence?
- How does your query letter compare to the sample?
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- Research 360 (1) Forum
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- Research 360 (1) Forum
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- Research 360 (1) Forum
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- Research 360 (1) Forum
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- Research 360 (1) Forum
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- Research 360 (1) Forum
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- RETRY 2023-2024: Fiction 360
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- Screenwriting Forum
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- Screenwriting Forum
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- Screenwriting Forum
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Speculative Fiction Forum
We’d like for you to answer a few questions about your peers’ work to promote community engagement. Answer 3 of the questions of your choice:
- Did anyone choose a fictional world for their opening lines that interested you?
- Did you discover aspects of speculative fiction that were unfamiliar to you before?
- What questions did you think about when developing your world that wasn’t mentioned in the Craft Talk?
- Did you resonate with the Cultural Iceberg or the Wheel?
- Who had an imaginative interpretation of the Cinderella story in their world?
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The Red Dress Forum
Read the following: Cynthia’s haunted house story “The Red Dress,” is a hybrid haunted house story, haunted object story and a vampire story. It showcases the range writers can really work with. Once you’re done listening or reading this piece, think about the following questions:
- What was it that was haunted in this short story?
- What was the setting?
- Who were the characters?
- What was the beginning of the story?
- The middle of the story?
- The end of the story?
- When you think of rising action, what was the rising action?
- What is the pacing of the story? Was there tension in the story?
- Was there a part of the story that could be considered horror?
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Things Never Stay Warm Forum
Read Things Never Stay Warm by María Alejandra Barrios. What makes this a magical realism story? What magical elements can you identify?
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YA Chemistry Forum
We’d like for you to answer a few questions about your peers’ work to promote community engagement. Answer 3 of the questions of your choice:
- What meet cute from one of your peers stuck out to you the most?
- If you could watch anyone’s montage, who would it be?
- Who would you like to work with on your romantic piece as a co-writer?
- Did anyone have a particularly unique or imaginative meet cute?
- For their opening lines, did anyone have a ship that you also shipped?
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