Mentee Alum & Journalist Sibani Ram Writes About Why Girls Write Now Matters Right Now.
Boston, Massachusetts – December 26, 2023
According to Ram’s reporting, Anjali Misra, who served as a Girls Write Now Community Fellow in 2019 and now attends Harvard Medical School, credits the organization for her “muscle in the day-to-day work of advocacy.” The article continues, “Misra’s involvement with Girls Write Now, as well as her experiences in the medical field and as an amateur marathon runner, taught her that making substantive change requires not just vision but ‘the adaptability and commitment to chase it.'”
During my year with Girls Write Now, I saw many of our students gain the confidence to read their writing out loud or publish their work for the first time, proudly presenting their ideas and opinions… Seeing the growth in our students’ passion for creative writing and self-expression was incredibly invigorating, and I feel fortunate to have worked alongside them during this part of their journeys.
Anjali Misra, Girls Write Now Community Fellow Alum
Applications are currently open for our 2023-2024 community fellowship.