Girls Write Now is Proud to be a Premier Partner of National Voter Registration Day
Get Involved!
Check Your Voter Registration Status
Check if you are already registered to vote with this helpful tool! Plus, find links to register to vote and more.
Read Our Stories
On Thursday, September 19, Girls Write Now proudly hosted Storytelling for Change: National Voter Registration, in partnership with STARS Citywide Girls Initiative. The evening featured special speakers, voting projects by our student ambassadors, writing prompts, election trivia, giveaways, and more. We asked all participants to share with us their voter stories and tell us what writing as resistance means to them. Read their responses below:
Take Our Survey
Fill out this quick, 3-minute survey, which mentee Zuzanna Wasiluk will use to create a unique visual essay about the voting habits of Girls Write Now participants. In the lead up to our Storytelling for Change event on September 19, Zuzanna will be crafting a data story of how active our community is when it comes to voting.
About National Voter Registration Day
National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to celebrating our democracy. Since 2012, thousands of partner organizations nationwide have helped over 5 million Americans register to vote. This holiday is endorsed by the National Association of Secretaries of State, National Association of State Election Directors, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, and the National Association of Election Officials (Election Center).
Did you know…
…that in some states, you can pre-register to vote before you turn 18?
What is the youngest age that you can pre-register to vote?
16 years old
18 states and Washington, D.C. permit pre-registration beginning at 16 years old. Three states permit pre-registration at 17 years old. Learn more>
Ballot Brainteaser
What information do you typically need to provide when registering to vote?
A Driver’s License or State ID
Required documents may vary state by state, but usually a driver’s license or state ID
is needed to register to vote. Learn more>
Remember the answers to these ballot brainteasers, and you’ll get a leg up in our election trivia game at Storytellers for Change on September 19.