This blog post was written by senior and second-year mentee, Diana Romero.
When I found out that we were going to be having a One-Woman Show Workshop at GWN, I was very excited! Being a thespian myself, I was ready to see how we could use our writing and performance skills to bring life to strong women like those around us.
Our craft talk speaker, Hallie Haas, was probably the most enthusiastic and spirited speaker I have seen at the GWN workshops. She was so passionate about her work, and she had such an incredible talent in really digging up the backbone to a character’s story. All of her pieces were incredibly entertaining and fun!
I was really happy with the group of peers that I had been paired with for the activity later on in the workshop. Every one of us was really inspired to create a story that was meaningful but interesting at the same time. We were given the topic of body positivity and we had the task of writing a one-woman show in which we would address the importance of this issue in a woman’s everyday life.
It was important for us to discuss uniqueness because we understand that that is one of the most important steps in learning to love ourselves. I had the honor of sharing my final piece with the entire GWN community members afterwards. It was super rewarding because I was able to share a really funny and entertaining piece but at the same time, I was able to advocate for an issue that is very important to me.
I will leave you with a quote that my character April would probably say, “Las Amos mis amores! Aprendamos a querer nuestros cuerpos como las divas que somos!”( Love ourselves my loves! We will learn to love our own bodies like the divas we are! )