An Updated Statement of Our Support For Our Community
November 17, 2023
As we gather with friends and family during this holiday season, we think afresh about how and by whom stories are told. We ask, “how do we invite everyone to the table to undertake difficult conversations?”
As a community representing a diversity of experiences and perspectives facing ongoing global conflicts, Girls Write Now grieves with all those profoundly impacted. As always, in the face of such tragedy we hold fast to our family, friends, and loved ones, and find solace in our words and their infinite capacity for bridge building.
Bridging all major faiths is also the tradition of welcoming the stranger, finding our commonality, and embracing the human dignity in every person. Girls Write Now reaffirms our opposition to hate in all its forms, and the ensuing violence it births, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Gender Discrimination, Racism, and more.
Please visit our evolving resources here.