This post was written by Digital Media Mentor Aparna, who attended our Digital Media Mentoring Program Orientation.

Strangers meeting for the first time should nix hors d’oeuvres, cocktail attire, and name games in exchange for speed dating “Girls Write Now” style. It goes like this: mentors in the middle, mentees circle around. Be ready for a new partner and question.
Ready… Set…
“If you could be a superhero, what kind of superpower would you choose?” “The power of persuasion, for good, of course!” “Invisibility or the ability to disappear!”
Each time I recount this conversation someone demands why I chose invisible status over flight. Well, I guess heights just aren’t my thing.
Our imaginations wandered in two-minute increments for this “meet the community” activity. We “time traveled” to an era of choice, chose a lifetime supply of any item under $10, self-identified our inner animal, and fantasized about just what our fifteen minutes of fame could look like. It should be noted that the room was divided on the toilet paper debate: we did not solve the age-old query as to whether it should hang over or under.

During the Orientation we revealed some intimate truths about our writing styles, self-perceptions, personalities, and created spiraling mobiles now hanging in the Girls Write Now office. I learned another mentor is a calligrapher — wow.
Our finale, appropriately structured around a digital theme, orchestrated our three words into a four-part round audioscape. Personal and distinct, our voices rhythmically delivered what might sound like girls just making noise, but if you listen closely? We are all absolutely there.
As I was speaking I could hear my final word, “curious,” echoing again and again in someone else’s pitch. I turned around and locked eyes with one of the girls I had yet to meet, and we giggled. Yes, it was the right word to share.
Audio Player
We are clearly starting the year with a crescendo. To borrow a phrase from Saturday, we are truly: “Awesome, boom!” I’m thrilled to be a first year Digital Mentor with Girls Write Now and am looking forward to the year ahead!