Seventeen-year-old Darla has lived in the small town of Silver Lake her whole life, surrounded by memories of her family’s history of abusive relationships.
Winnie, Untitled
This is a character study of a woman named Winnie from the perspective of her friends, family and peers.
The Bracelet
This story, is about a teenage girl, who lives vicariously through the bracelet on her nightstand.
This poem expresses a deep longing that the author had for a longtime friend.
Unspoken Things
“Unspoken Things” is about being in a gray area with someone and not knowing where you stand with them.
getting older
Maybe our photos will fill the gaps my memory won’t.
How to Cut Your Hair
How to Cut Your Hair is an emotional exploration into the trauma caused by the fraught relationship between Blackness and femininity that follows Black women in every aspect of their lives.
Nostalgic Smells
My grandmother was diagnosed with dementia in 2020, I remember her through memories we shared years ago, and I wrote about these memories, by continuing to remember her as she would want me to.
How does holiday tradition shape shift with tragedy?
I Once Thought I Knew Myself
This piece offers a discussion on how 2020 was a year that gave me time to reflect on myself.
Kill Them with Laughter, Kill Me with Peanuts
Allergies make you vulnerable. In my case, more mentally than physically, despite the physical severity a peanut poses. The piece below takes the reader inside my mind as I fear for my life.
The Rise of Fame, The Fall of Family
After spending the past year becoming a rising star, Daisy comes home plastered on the front page of The Times. Her parents disapprove of Daisy’s lifestyle, forcing her to choose between them and her fame.
To Be A Princess
I never realized that my dream of becoming a princess as already been fulfilled long before I was born.
Music of Pain
Love comes in different forms: some are like beautiful dreams, and some are painful truths. Guard your heart before it gets trapped in those painful truths…
The Benson Bucket List – An Excerpt
A young woman is staying at her brother’s house for the first time in years to recover from an injury. She experiences conflicting emotions over their dynamic and finds herself secretly yearning for the past.