A Fudged Quest is a semi-comedic ghost story detailing the misadventures of a possessed mannequin child in search of fudge. For added atmosphere, click play on the accompanying audio file while you read!
The Happenings at the Estate
This is an interactive reading/listening experience. Listen to the accompanying audio with headphones and read at your pace.
Ye Olde Voicemaille
Have you ever wondered what would happen if medieval serfs had answering machines?
Zoom to the Moon
While writing this essay, my goal was to keep things lighthearted and tell an entertaining story that also shared a bit of my personality and interests.
Reimu and Marisa
The project is an animation about two girls named Reimu and Marisa, who battle monsters with their magical powers to protect their town, Genso. For this project, I was inspired by a video game called Touhou. It represents my best work in the program this year because I put so much time and effort into thinking about the story and plot; planning it out; and creating it.
My Random Autobiography
I never write about myself, so with this piece I wanted to try that. It’s an introduction to who I am and explores who I am becoming.
Saturday Morning
“Come on, Ma, let me sleep.”
I loved everything in Anne’s fridge.
My grandmother is eighty-two years old…and yet she still has the life of a Youngblood.
The Bite
Either way- I never just plain bit.