At Girls Write Now, we use writing as a vehicle to build real relationships and offer holistic services for woman-identifying, trans* and gender-expansive young adults from systemically disadvantaged backgrounds—mentoring them throughout high school, college, career and beyond.
Our mentees are passionate dreamers and innovative thinkers who have a story to tell. Our mentors are dedicated professionals who care deeply about communication—no matter the industry they work in. Mentors and mentees hail from all five NYC boroughs, across the nation and originally from around the world.
We will be gearing up for enrollment for the 2023-2024 program year soon. Join our mailing list to be notified when applications open at the link here.
Please email [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions.
Application Process
Each new mentee or mentor candidate must complete and submit an application to be eligible to join Girls Write Now. There are separate applications for incoming mentees and mentors.
Applications are reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis.
Apply by July 1, 2023 to be eligible for the 2023-2024 program year.
Girls Write Now Collaboratory Events
All Girls Write Now mentees and mentors are encouraged to attend all events that are of interest to them! Check out our full events calendar here.

Girls Write Now Staff lead small group discussions and feedback sessions with mentees and mentors interested in particular creative genres. Each month, Studios are offered with a focus on Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Performance, and more! Required for all mentee/mentor pairs!
Expert teaching artists lead fun, inspiring workshops at the intersection of writing, art and technology. Mentees and mentors explore sub-genres within poetry, fiction, memoir and journalism while learning digital skills such as audio and video editing, coding and design.
At monthly Editorial Forums led by our Editors-in-Residence, we harness our collective creative energy to reimagine the future of storytelling and shape publishing at Girls Write Now.
In Career Chats, mentees gain exposure to various industries by networking with employees across publishing, media, beauty, finance, and more. Learn about positions you never knew existed, and get support applying to a curated selection of open jobs and internships.
A special guest artist host shares their personal and professional journey and guides you through a series of writing prompts. Expect a magical night of creating and conversing in community.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the enrollment timeline?
Applications are submitted between May 15, 2023-July 15, 2023. Through July and August, Girls Write Now staff will review applications and may invite some candidates to complete an interview to learn more about them.
In early September, mentees will be paired with their mentors and introduced to one another.
The program year begins in October 2023 and extends through May 2024.
How long is the application? Is there anything I should prepare?
Both mentees and mentors are asked to supply a brief writing sample of 250-400 words.
The mentee or mentor application usually takes between 60 – 90 minutes to complete, but you do not need to complete the application in one session. You can save your progress and return to finish the application at any time.
Mentees will answer the following questions in 250 words or less:
- Tell us a little about yourself and what you hope to get out of Girls Write Now?
- In addition to meeting regularly with your mentor and having group gatherings, are you interested in one or more short-term time-intensive learning journey(s) where you will complete a specific project? If yes, please share more about why you are interested in participating in one or more learning journey(s). If you have any specific ideas or areas that you’d like to focus on for the project(s), please also share them here!
Mentors will answer the following questions in 250 words or less:
- What does the word underserved mean to you? What challenges might a teen from an underserved school or community face in participating in a mentoring program? Please be as thoughtful as possible in your answer.
- What skills, qualities, interests and experience do you possess that would make you a good Girls Write Now mentor?
- What are some of the challenges you anticipate encountering as a mentor, and how might you address them?
- Imagine you and your mentee are meeting for your weekly one-to-one mentoring session. How would you structure or approach this hour-long session which includes relationship building, writing, professional development, college readiness and/or multimedia-making?
What kind of time commitment is required as a mentee/mentor with Girls Write Now?
There are many ways to engage with and participate as a mentee or mentor with Girls Write Now. The essential monthly requirements are:
- At least 2 pair sessions with your mentee/mentor per month
- Attendance at one Studio/Core Group Meeting per month
Beyond those requirements, mentees and mentors are invited to attend monthly Writing Workshops taught by expert teaching artists, meet guest authors during Friday Night Salons, network with industry professionals at College & Career Chats, and discuss the future of storytelling at Editorial Forums. Mentors are also encouraged to attend quarterly Professional Development events.