Writing passionately is many things: an act of power, an act of courage, an act of generosity. But it takes opportunities to unlock that passion—and opportunities don’t just happen. They are created by the revolutionary people mobilized by the programs our donors make possible. We thank you for your belief and your trust in the power of authentic storytelling as a means for healing communities everywhere.
Maya Nussbaum, girls write Now founder & executive director
Throughout 2021, nearly 1,000 donors fueled the Girls Write Now mission.
To our donors at all levels—The Girls Write Now Circle, Agents of Change Partners, Foundation and Government supporters, Board of Directors, and to all of the individuals and institutions who cheered us along and invested in our work—we thank you. And with deep gratitude, we celebrate our phenomenal mentees who, because of your support, are securing scholarships that aid the financial burden of pursuing college, accepting their first choice college offers, being exposed to relevant industry experience, walking through the doors of their dream jobs, getting promoted—and building meaningful relationships with their mentors through all of life’s phases!

Here is just one story from this season…
Mentee Kayla celebrates her full ride college scholarship with her mentor Nupur.


“Girls Write Now has played an integral role in making my college dreams come true! From my mentor Nupur’s helpful feedback and support with my college essay to the informational Girls Write Now workshops—I am so grateful for the guidance you have all provided me… For me, my education journey was not easy. It was something that required a lot of perseverance and determination. My immigrant mother from Jamaica always taught me that whatever I put my mind to, I could achieve. And so, when I won the Posse Scholarship, I felt like my families’ voices and dreams, both in Jamaica and the states, were also being honored.”
Class of 2022
“I understand deeply all that Kayla has shares with me about growing up in East New York. Additionally, as an alum of Bryn Mawr College, I was lucky enough to matriculate with the college’s first ever Posse cohort back in 2001 (graduating in 2005). AND with a Jamaican partner, there’s so much for us to bond over. These three pieces of my experience and background made for such a lovely pairing between Kayla and myself—many things don’t need to be explained, or even said…as a kid of Indian immigrants, I understand that Kayla’s win is a major accomplishment. It is a very solitary experience being a kid of immigrants trying to navigate the college process. I’m so happy that I was able to support Kayla, and I hope that Girls Write Now will continue to lift her important story and voice up—she is one in a million!”
Class of 2022