Career Chats

College Lists and Scholarships: Expert Advice for Stepping into Your Future

Open to all mentees, all mentors, program alum and the public

Through the winning tag team of writer Anna Homayoun and educator Tom Rabbitt, participants in this workshop will learn the tips and tricks they need to stare down each of the “scaries” lurking in the college (and post-graduate!) application process—from creating a list of top choices to winning the scholarship of your dreams.

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Career Chats

Resumes and Cover Letters: Tailoring Your Work Story to Land Your Dream Job

Online | Open to all mentees, all mentors, program alum and the public

In this workshop, Mentees will recognize resume and cover letter writing as the art of marketing oneself as the best candidate for a specific role and access the highly sought after skills to practice that art with finesse in today’s competitive career market. Mentees are encouraged to come with “resumes in hand" for the opportunity to workshop their resumes under the guidance of Mentors!

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Career Chats

Career Chat: Query Letters & Book Proposals with Top Literary Agents

Online | Open to all mentees, all mentors and program alum

Back Again by Popular Demand! Join us December 7, for our Writing Works Career Chat: Query Letters & Book Proposals. Learn from an outstanding literary agent how to write an effective query letter for your manuscript, then receive feedback from top literary agents in small group breakout rooms. Wondering about book proposals?Learn how to navigate the book proposal process while having the chance to ask questions and learn what literary agents are looking for! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the pros at some of the finest literary agencies such as Thompson Literary Agency, Folio Literary Management, Francis Gold Literary Agency, Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Jane Rotrosen Agency, and more!

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Career Chats

Create Your Own Theme Park with NBCU

Online | Open to all mentees, corporate partner employees and program alum

Aligned with the upcoming opening of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios, this workshop will provide Mentees and NBCU employees, “Mentors of the Day,” with a space to escape end-of-year school and work worries, de-stress, and celebrate themselves as the true achievers they are—while designing their own theme park! Join NBCU for the chance to learn about exciting new careers, build your professional network in a night filled with nostalgia and imagination.

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Career Chats

Let’s Play Professional Journeys with NBCU!

Online | Open to all mentees, corporate partner employees and program alum

This gamified community-building workshop will provide Mentees with the opportunity to access the advice of career savvy NBCU Mentors for the Day to develop their very own ready-player experience depicting each stage of working life—from the application to the exit interview. Game on!

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Career Chats

Entertainment Career Chat

Open to all mentees, all mentors, program alum and the public

This Chat will explore the essential attributes and pathways to creative fields in the entertainment industry. Here is your chance to ask all of your burning questions with a panel that includes Dramatists Guild Director of Education and Outreach Tari Stratton, Talent Agent Victoria Kress, The Bear Casting Director Jeanie Bacharach, and Northwestern Theatre and Drama PhD student Chloë Jackson.

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Career Chats

The Best Short Stories 2024 with Penguin Random House

Open to all mentees, all mentors, members and the public

Join Girls Write Now and Penguin Random House for a panel discussion on the Best Short Stories 2024 Anthology featuring The O. Henry Prize Winners! Our panelist include Jenny Minton Quigley, the series editor for the O. Henry Prize Stories, along with Amber Caron and Caroline Kim, two O. Henry Prize-winning writers whose work is featured in this year’s anthology.

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Career Chats

Audio/Podcasting Career Chat

Open to all mentees, all mentors, members and the public

This Chat will explore the essential attributes and pathways to positions within the audio and podcasting industries. Here is your chance to ask all of your burning questions with a panel that covers everything from podcast production to audiobooks!

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Career Chats

Career Chat: Physicians Write Now

Open to all mentees, all mentors and the public

This Chat will explore what it’s like to be both a physician and an author. We’ll hear from doctors and medical professionals, who write in a variety of genres, about how they balance their demanding career in healthcare with a writing practice. Here is your chance to ask all of your burning questions about how to combine these two pursuits. We’ll also hear about the vital role storytelling plays in medicine.

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247 West 37th Street, Suite 1000
New York, NY 10018