Community Conversations

Community Conversation: Student Activism and Art

Open to all mentees, all mentors, board members, GWN staff and program alum

Join us for an open and compassionate Community Conversation all about going back to campus during an election year. We'll connect with one another through a discussion about writing as a form of resistance and the ways we can uplift one another to create spaces of hope and joy in classrooms and on campus.

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Community Conversations

Storytelling for Change: A National Voter Registration Day Event

Open to all mentees, all mentors, members of STARS, program alum and the public

Join Girls Write Now, and our co-sponsor, STARS Citywide Girls Initiative, to celebrate National Voter Registration Day with a coordinated democracy blitz aimed at getting every eligible person registered to vote in advance of
election 2024 and beyond!

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Girls Write Now

247 West 37th Street, Suite 1000
New York, NY 10018