Community Conversations

Community Chat: Scholastic Awards

Unlock new opportunities as a storyteller by entering your original writing and art in the 2022 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards (SA&WA) for high schoolers. Haydil Henriquez, Manager of the NYC SA&WA will teach you the what and hows of submitting while answering all your burning questions!

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Community Conversations

Community Chat: Mentee Wellness

Award-winning spoken word poet, teacher and Girls Write Now mentee alum Brittany Barker helps us write our way to wellness. Meet up with your peers to hang out, get to know each other and get your creativity on while de-stress-ing!

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Community Conversations

Mobilizing Through Poetry: In Honor of MLK

Poetry has the power to change someone's day, their mind and even the world. It is the articulation of dreams and hopes. Who better to honor with poems than Martin Luther King Jr. who shared his dream in the form of poetry. Influenced by Audre Lorde's belief in using the pen to fight the fight, join spoken word artist Brittany Barker as she shares her poetry and invites you to write your own.

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Community Conversations

Poetry In Action: Critical Race Theory

Legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, who coined the term Critical Race Theory (CRT), notes that CRT is not a noun, but a verb. Under attack and banned from being taught in some schools, CRT takes center stage in this vital Community Chat where we explore the affects of systemic racism and seek liberation.

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Community Conversations

Values, Beliefs & Aspirations: Writing Our Personal Manifestos

Online | Open to all mentees, all mentors and the public

What do you believe? Manifestos are proactive pieces of writing that reflect a writer’s or community’s vision, values, and intentions. In this Community Chat, we’re going to explore and discuss manifestos and other calls to action, before writing our own.

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Community Conversations

Chronicling Our Lives: Women’s History Month

Online | Open to all mentees and all mentors

“What if half of history was missing?” Gina Luria Walker, a gender studies professor and historian asks. This is a salient question, given that cis-gender men are historically overrepresented as the authors and subjects of both history books and biographies. At this Community Chat, we’ll reflect on which histories get shared and also do some writing exercises that will help us chronicle our own lives.

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Girls Write Now

247 West 37th Street, Suite 1000
New York, NY 10018