Welcome to Magical Realism! In this mini course, you will learn the history of the genre, understand the nuances of the genre, explore transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary and drafting your own original pieces.
Learning Objectives
- Explore the history of magical realism.
- Analyze text with magical realism texts by renowned authors.
- Understand the elements that define the genre.
- Draft original works of fiction.
As you progress through each lesson, make sure to press complete before moving on to the next. Complete 3 of the following mini-courses:
- Magical Realism
- Horror: Becoming an Architect of Terror
- Poetry 101
- Making Change: Leading from Where You Are
You are in one of the following pair types. You pair type is listed on your GWN Portal profile.
- Mentor/Mentee: Meet 2-3 times per month.
Engagement Types
There are no required events for this course, but we encourage you to check the Events Page in your portal for information on upcoming live events.
Submit at least one work of fiction that incorporates magical realism.
Engagement Dates
There are no required events for this course, but we encourage you to check the Events Page in your portal for information on upcoming live events.
Asynchronous Coursework
All coursework is available once you start the course.
Check your email for the link to your folder in Google Drive. There you can submit your project. If you’d like to submit something for publication on the GWN website or the anthology, go to this link (girlswritenow.org/stories/submit/) for instructions on submitting material through the portal.