Virtual event; open to all mentees, all mentors, print anthology committee members, program alum, and the public
Counts towards monthly Community Studio requirement for mentees and mentors!
Girls Write Now’s award-winning anthology doesn’t just happen. Learn how this annual book is made, from securing author blurbs, to editing in Chicago Style.
Join an Anthology Committee Meeting to learn what goes into the annual Girls Write Now anthology.
In this month’s session, watch as the anthology committee prepares to edit the 2024 anthology. We will go over the blurbs that were secured, quick refresh on Chicago Style, and watch the mechanics of bundling hundreds of stories for the committee to top-edit.
Registration will be capped to allow for intimate discussion. Save your spot now!
Molly is proud to call Girls Write Now her professional home for the last 10 years, leading partnerships, editing the annual anthology, and learning something new every single day from a talented community of writers. In high school, Molly won an emerging journalist award from her local newspaper, which meant receiving a hardcover, dictionary-thesaurus combo that she cherished, spending the rest of her teen years looking up words.Molly studied English and Journalism at Boston University, and wrote for the daily newspaper. One of her first internships in college was at WBAI Radio, obtained by walking into the office and asking if she could intern. Thankfully, they said yes. She has added commas to stories while at The New Yorker, worked in features at Marie Claire and Redbook, and ran teen magazines during the Destiny’s Child days. Girls Write Now is a bright spot for so many and Molly is honored to be a part of the team.
Each year, Girls Write Now community members come together to support the production of our annual award-winning anthology. The Print Anthology Committee is responsible for editing individual pieces, attending regular meetings, securing author blurbs, and supporting the release of the book. Our annual anthology is published by Dutton Books and features mentee writing across genre, providing a vital glimpse into the lives of today’s next-gen leaders and storytellers.
Print Anthology Committee will meet monthly during the 2023-2024 Girls Write Now Collaboratory. Mentors, mentees, alumni, and members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings.
all mentees, all mentors, print anthology committee members, program alum and the public