This is the story of Jaz, a young time traveler who found herself lost in the future. She’s on a quest to find the last missing pieces of the puzzle so she can find her parents.
Fantasy & Sci-Fi
To the Grave
People tell me I can’t bring my objects to the grave with me. I wanted to play around with this idea of permanence in my piece. This flash fiction explores what happens when we can.
Once Upon A Very Dirty Borough
The Princess of New York City struggles to literally find her voice and come into her inheritance—a stutter, and the power to speak.
The Little Girl and The Fox (Excerpt)
A little girl goes on a journey through a floating kingdom to seek out a magical fox in order to satiate her endless desire for companionship.
I wrote this piece on 2020: the events that occurred then, and how it might affect people in the future. I encourage everyone to look forward—be strong, be brave, and stay safe.
The Man
The Man By Lauren Weisberg As college draws nearer, Nora’s recurring nightmares begin to catch up with her real life…
Where Are the Children?
We wrote stories based on old nursery rhymes, giving them a new twist. Ivy’s story “Where Are the Children?” is a reimagining of “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” which Kathleen has illustrated.
A Lesson From the Blue Jays
Fernando is walking down the street one day when he thinks he hears two birds talking to him…
Jaz’s Quest
Jaz, a young time traveler, found herself lost in the future. She’s on a quest to find the last missing pieces so she can find her parents.
Excerpt of Fantasy Novel
This novel sprouted on a summer night; my fingers soon grew tired from typing furiously on the keyboard. Charlotte’s story is rooted in friendship—the friendship she shares with Raia—and this excerpt showcases their first meeting.
A Fudged Quest
A Fudged Quest is a semi-comedic ghost story detailing the misadventures of a possessed mannequin child in search of fudge. For added atmosphere, click play on the accompanying audio file while you read!
Perfect Woman
In correlation with the theme, this piece was written to show the roles women are often desired to play and to be in.
The Girl Who Speaks Millions of Languages
This piece is about a girl who can talk to animals and is meant to show how she struggles to find her identity.
If Walls Could Talk
This is a fantasy story that I wrote in one of our pair sessions. This piece is only the first chapter of a novel I am working on.
Tawhito Scene
This is a scene from my novel, where the prophet Tawhito is giving advice to Anna and Ela. I think it’s a really important scene in my book because it’s a big turning point where Anna and Ela decide to kill the Queen, which sets off an important chain of events.