Jaz’s Adventure In Time: A Poem
By Jasmine Sellars
This is the story of Jaz, a young time traveler who found herself lost in the future. She’s on a quest to find the last missing pieces of the puzzle so she can find her parents.
Jaz’s Quest was long overdue Her parents went missing So she was confused They left her alone To fend for herself So she turned to their notes For some much needed help She built a machine To travel through time In hopes of her parents She wanted to find Jaz was unsafe And her parents told her That she needed the Book Of Maps and Ciphers The shadows approached And Jaz was so scared So she jumped in the portal And she disappeared She woke up in danger And searched the new city Jaz found a library In the year 2050 She met Anna and her mentees In their secret headquarters And she learned about the government And their new world order They found all the books And burned what they had taken Except for the copies In the GWN basement Though the book was coded And no one could understand Jaz had been studying And practicing beforehand The puzzle was complete Jaz had what she needed But she couldn’t help But feel defeated She thought to herself And told not a soul A world with books Is a world without control How can we live In solidarity and peace Without our stories That bring us escape and release

Jasmine Sellars
Jasmine Sellars is a senior in high school in Brooklyn, NY. She is a seventh year Senior Girl Scout and she enjoys reading, writing and dancing.