‘Matched With A Click’ is a zine on the theme of online dating, with original poems, photography, artwork and elements of memoir and interview.
Memoir & Personal Essay
Letter of Recommendation: Rice Cookers
There is no kitchen appliance more magical than a rice cooker. Compact, electric and brimming with tasty grains, it holds a special place in our hearts. Here, we pay tribute to the rice cooker.
(Day)dreaming 24/7
This piece dives into the rather complicated relationship that I have developed with my daydreaming. It has been a pretty interesting ride.
In Search of An America Boy
This piece is about patriarchal ideals within my culture and the way they have affected the women in my family.
Hearing Too Much, Smelling Too Little
An attempted recording of the strange sensations of synesthesia and anosmia.
Looking Back at Anger
In 15 years I’ve grown, cried, fallen, learned and learned some more. However, I have wished I was better, more proficient, smarter, savvier, wittier, stronger, something… more than the person I am.
My Best Has Changed
This piece explores how film can help us think more deeply about our choices in life.
Internet Connections
This year has been unlike any other. We wanted to share some of the ways that we’ve taken care of ourselves, stayed connected to each other, and found strength & purpose in community.
Parte de Mi
This piece is a personal reflection, based on recent moments during which I have learned more about my heritage. This piece reflects an acceptance of who I am and what is a part of me.
The Unspoken Epidemic
We wanted to shine a light on mental health struggles that often go unnoticed and to dispel harmful stereotypes about mental illness.
Are we ‘over’ single-gender institutions?
Since we both experienced single-gender institutions as part of growing up, we’re taking the time to question the continuation of these institutions and how to make them more inclusive.
Colombia: The Place Where I Can Always Return.
This was originally a school assignment that was meant to be a college essay. I decided to scrap it and turn it into a different piece. It is inspired by the mountains in Colombia.
The Butterfly Effect
This memoir is about a seemingly small experience that transformed the way I see dance, as well as the world.
Asked and Unanswered
This is a collaborative memoir of our relationships with our maternal grandmothers, who we lost in the spring of 10th grade. Our relationships mirror each other’s in many ways, especially as daughters of immigrant parents.
El Dorado Vintage Shop
This multimedia piece was a collaboration between Tingting and myself. Accompanied with the nostalgic pictures of our childhoods are a series of short stories.