Internet Connections
By Lorena Maca Garcia & Candace Cunard
This year has been unlike any other. We wanted to share some of the ways that we’ve taken care of ourselves, stayed connected to each other, and found strength & purpose in community.
We came up with this idea together very early in the year, and slowly added bits and pieces to it based on our experiences. We created this zine using a shared Canva document and that allowed us to work on the same document together even though we were far apart.

Lorena Maca Garcia
Lorena lives in a quiet neighborhood in the Bronx and is currently a senior enrolled at a public high school in the South Bronx. Taking honors, AP Classes and college courses, she is striving towards her own expectations by sheer will and determination. She challenges herself to seek out all the brightest possibilities in the world, expressing her emotions through words, as well as her inner mind and inner self. She writes the majority of her pieces at a cafe little known to others, sipping an iced coffee with a “reasonable” amount of sugar.

Candace Cunard
Candace Cunard has always loved reading, writing and talking about the things she's creating with others. When not teaching high school English or working on a draft of a fantasy novel in progress, she's probably exploring the parks in her neighborhood or practicing one of her favorite textile crafts like knitting, sewing or (newest to her) spinning her own yarn.