My parents did not talk American politics but when I entered high school, I discovered everyone around me does.
Memoir & Personal Essay
A Taste of Life: Musings by Kailee and Shyanne
On culinary connections to our cultures.
13 Ways of Looking at 13
What was the worst year of your life? The right answer is 13. Here’s why.
Protesting For Change
How have protests and movements evolved and stayed the same over decades? We discuss our experiences at a women’s march and climate strike and how generations are connected in fighting for social justice.
The Power that Lies in Femininity
What does it take to be a girl? What does it mean to be unequivocally feminine?
passed down
Sammi and I both lost our fathers at a young age and writing this poem together has been a way for us to both process our losses and better understand ourselves.
In the Morning
I start with the littlest things. The ones that take no effort. The ones that remind me that I am capable of doing the others.
Not So Sweet 16
Our birthdays are one day apart. Last year, we celebrated by seeing a movie together—right before COVID-19 hit. Our 16th years were shaped by two events that changed the world, and our lives, forever.
America and Its Glory
This piece is about America and how it’s affected my family and others. It may come off strong, but don’t panic, it’s just my thoughts. Thank you.
The Monsters in Our Midst
Since 2020, Asian Americans have faced two, intertwining monsters: the COVID-19 pandemic and racism.
Your(s), friend
In this fictionalized letter to a lost friend, the author reflects on what happened to one middle school friendship. By exploring her memories, she realizes that not all relationships are forever.
Floating is a piece about how my perceptions of strength changed throughout my life, and how I’ve found my own strength through “floating.”
(noun) the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own
Stolen to be Given
Stolen to be Given is a piece connecting my name and religion. Two things that were chosen for me and their role in shaping my identity.
On Poetry
This is a vignette-style epistolary piece that relies on several different narratives to reflect on what it means to be a poet.