This is a short story about the first time I translated for an immigration screening. It is a work in progress that will show the personal aspects of immigration not reflected on legal documentation.
Anime: More than Just Animation
Anime– Japanese animation– offers so much more than action-adventure series, if you just give it a chance. You’ll find that it tells the seemingly insignificant stories of ordinary, everyday people in the most beautiful ways.
to make mistakes
To my father, who is learning.
You Are The Universe
Many people take time to appreciate the world around them, but how many of us have taken the time to explore our worlds within?
Mangoes and Memories
In this piece, I explored my desire to travel when I was younger and how this has impacted me as I have grown up and gotten to experience the world more.
I love gift-giving, especially handmade gifts made from material that my mother has saved. It allows me to be creative, but with some sort of direction.
Becoming a Woman [Reader] Writer
This piece showcases the power of female writers. Cristina and Fiona showcased how they started writing and pursued a career in writing.
Tricolor in Monochrome: How to Bury a Body
This piece is a reflection on estrangement from one’s culture while being a person of mixed race.
Magnet programs: a pressure cooker for Asian American students
The intersection of Asian achievement culture and a toxic academic environment is a destructive combination—and no one is talking about it.
Welcome to deconstructed. — fostering a community that draws attention to mental health through creative writing and art & resources for marginalized groups.
Her House Becomes Relic
I think it’s the pattern of my family to think no one understands me because my reaction to grief is to wish I could be in a white sterile room, to wish I had a great wind surrounding me that could push everything else away.
My Personal Statement
I used this personal statement to apply to college this year. I talk about my journey with finding where I belong as a creative.
Goodbye, Copenhagen.
This past spring, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Copenhagen and started a travel blog as part of their student media team. “Goodbye, Copenhagen” is my farewell piece!
Colors of Youth
A poem and painting reflecting our ties to our childhood and the complexity of growing up.
Here’s a peek into the ever-evolving story of my life, encapsulated in a short but mighty list.